Double Blessing: CEO

Double Blessing: CEO

author: Full Moon
classification: metropolis
update: 38秒前

"Aunt, take me with you I want to relax too." 。Such a plea, Qin Jingwen had already persisted for over five minutes. 。But the responses have always remained unchanged. 。“No, you can’t just wander off now.” 。"The third child's belly is big again, and if I'm not careful..." "Don't worry, this is the safest time now. The things you are worried about won't happen." 。“Aunt Qin’s words, Jingwen knew them by heart. There was no need to listen; she interrupted her aunt.” 。"That's not good either, a two-hour journey is too tiring for you." 。Faced with Qin Jingwen's pleading, Qin Lan remained unmoved. 。Qin Jingwen seeing that things weren't going well with her aunt, went to find Qiao Liang. 。"Dad, I want to go... " 。Please persuade my aunt for me. 。"," 。But she's been in pain before surgery, and she can't stand it. You are doctors, so you need to act quickly to relieve her pain. 。No matter what Song Xinzhe said, Qiao Shunchen believed the hospital was responsible,"It's relieved, it's relieved, Director Joe's love for life children we arranged the best doctors, there will be no problem" 。These things Qiao Shunchen all know, but Qiao Shunchen has to repeatedly reiterate them to Song Xinzhe who is being nagged by him. 。 "Don't worry so much, everything will be fine." 。Tang Dani came over to help Song Xinzhe out of the predicament, but Qiao Shunchen couldn't calm down. 。But my heart just won't let go. 。"Because he was getting impatient, Qiao Shunchen's voice was a bit louder than before, but he definitely didn't mean it toward Tang Danni. "。

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