Fu Zi Mo Qin Luo Yan

Fu Zi Mo Qin Luo Yan

classification: Science fiction
update: 4分鐘前

Fu Zi Mo then explained to her: "Yes, Ming Qi was also a fallen prince. He lost everything and was forced to live on the streets just after birth because of the interference of the three major forces. Therefore, he hates not only the royal family of Bei Ming but also the people of the three clans. Our goals are actually the same. Originally, we planned to wait for two more years, but because of you, you're a lucky star, you've actually brought our plans forward by two years.",Fu Zi Mo's pupils constricted for a moment, but he didn't hide his intentions. "Knowing yourself and your enemy is crucial. As long as I achieve my goal, everything else doesn't matter to me. You wouldn't think of me as a kind and righteous person, would you Uncompromising methods are what define me, Fu Zi Mo, isn't that right",Originally, the elder brother's body was taken away by Fu Zimo, and he chose such a place to bury him Judging from the incense ash on the grave and the surrounding environment, someone has been taking care of it carefully, so he often comes here。

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