Holy Emperor

Holy Emperor

classification: fantastic
update: 7分鐘前

A man in his thirties, with a handsome and refined face but a resolute expression, sat at an Eight Immortals table in a small wooden house.,By the wooden bed, a young girl of about ten years old, with pigtails and her hands supporting her chin, was staring intently at the unconscious figure on the bed. 。Suddenly, the young girl's eyelids flickered, and she immediately sprang up in alarm. "Master, Master! He's awake, he's awake!"Ye Chen opened his eyes to see a pair of beautiful big eyes watching him with concern. Her long eyelashes, delicate features, and perfectly sculpted five senses made her look like a stunning human being. 。He stared blankly at everything in the room, his eyes moving from the little girl's face to the man sitting beside the Eight Immortals table. His dazed expression instantly transformed into a mix of wonder, shock, and disbelief...The person in his eyes, or so Ye Chen believed, was no stranger to him. 。For many years, the man Ye Wutian appeared in his dreams every night. He was the father he had dreamed of for over twenty years in his dreams, and the little girl Nan'er was his maidservant. 。Jian Ye Chen was unresponsive, staring blankly. Nan'er reached out a small hand and gently placed it on his forehead, her voice laced with worry, "Master, you're awake. How are you feeling Are you alright"The child's voice, pure and sweet as jade beads falling on a tray, 。,At that time, Ye Chen was completely stunned. He felt a chill run down his spine. The scene was too eerie and creepy. 。He lifted his head, his eyes a cerulean blue sky, clouds swirling and majestic, clean as water. 。。

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