Personal Space: Unex

Personal Space: Unex

classification: fantastic
update: 2024年09月19日

Old Mr. Lin loved his grandson the most and couldn't bear to see his authority questioned. He puffed on his pipe and shouted, "You are just lazy! There are so many excuses Your sister only followed Fourth Uncle for a year and she became your little teacher, don't you feel ashamed If you don't study hard, you won't be allowed to eat!",”Liu was the second daughter-in-law of the Lin family, and she was usually kind. She quickly waved her hand and said, “Sister-in-law, you can’t say that. If you dislike him, just send him to me as a foster son. I would be delighted to have such a treasure call me mother every day.” 。Feng Shi also smiled, “Even if you weren't her daughter, you wouldn't call me aunt on a daily basis, would you” 。When the old woman from the Lin family, Dong shi, came back from outside, she met her neighbor's aunt at the doorway and couldn't help but chat for a few words. 。,"Oh, my sweet girl, you missed me after only half an hour of being out. You're so good at making people happy." 。"Mr. Dong picked up his grandson, and sweat beaded on his back. He also kissed his grandchild on the forehead." 。Lin smiled mischievously, squinting her crescent-shaped eyes and gave a kiss on the cheek, which made the old woman's face blossom with joy. 。。

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