Rebirth in 1970: Eat

Rebirth in 1970: Eat

classification: Science fiction
update: 11分鐘前

"Shili Ge, Auntie Shen's dumplings are so delicious." 。Zhou Rongrong had already started on her second steamed bun, but her eyes would occasionally glance at Lin Wailan's black jade pendant. 。,As soon as the lunchbox lid was opened, the aroma of warm braised pork filled the air. 。Zhou Rongrong's face was difficult to look at as she ate the meat buns before her. 。"Is she really a capitalist's daughter Even when she comes to the countryside with lunch, she brings braised pork." 。A single sentence instantly made the meat-scented carriage fall silent. 。Many even stood up and looked toward the source of the voice, trying to find out who had eaten the braised pork. 。The Zhang Big Mama in the front row heard Zhou Rongrong's words and was the first to jump out, pinching her waist and pointing at Lin Wailan. 。I told you this little girl is different from us. Her skin is so white, you could squeeze out water. She must have sucked up a lot of the people's fat and marrow, taken advantage of lots of hard-working people's sweat and tears. 。Lin Weiwang fastened the lunchbox and ignored Zhang Damo, who stood up and cursed, as well as the nearby young intellectuals who had gathered around. 。,My grandfather's assets are all red, the whole city knows about it. Who would accuse me of something for no reason except you 。Lin Weilan scolded Zhou Rongrong, and her peripheral vision was also on the people approaching nearby, so as not to be attacked by any radical fool. 。“Rongrong was just joking, you don't have to beat her up! You attacked right away without any warning. Isn’t this how capitalists behave”Shen Shili looked at Zhou Rongrong's swollen face and felt deeply distressed. His eyes were filled with disgust as he looked at Lin Wailan. 。You can slander me, smear my reputation, but I cannot fight back. Zhou Rongrong is willfully smearing me, this young intellectual who went to the countryside, and disrupting unity among us intellectuals. She is a bad element, and you are just like her. 。"Anyone can put the blame on someone else, come on, let's hurt each other. 。。

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