"Hehehe, I'm looking forward to meeting you all again, Three Great Heavenly Venerables. At that time, I want to see if you still have the qualifications to rival me When I get my hands on a few treasures first, I can't wait to see the expressions on your faces!" A sneer once again crossed Luo Chen's lips.,Unexpectedly, he not only survived but fell into the cultivation world. He eventually obtained the Taishang Jing and embarked on the path of cultivation, rising against the heavens and achieving an unparalleled legend. He defeated even ancient divine beings from across the realms and became a revered Immortal Venerable who shook one side of the world.,Unfortunately, even as the legendary Celestial Venerable, he was unable to bring his father back to life. This became the most regrettable thing in his legendary life, and also the reason why he couldn't break through the final layer for a long time.。