

author: error
classification: other
update: 2024年11月01日

Then think about Xiaoxixu pressing Xiaochengchen back, this scene is a little funny when you think about it.,At this time, the two little ones can also utter simple syllables, such as "pa—pa", "ma—ma", "yi—yi", "da—da", "ei—ei". They are not particularly clear and accurate, but the first two sound like "Dad" and "Mom", which delighted the adults at home. They were very persistent and would seize any opportunity to sit their little ones in front of them and try hard to coax them to call themselves.,Old Mrs. He had followed the second son's family that day, thinking it was the smartest choice, but she didn't expect such a miserable outcome. The second son's son became addicted to gambling. Not only did he steal the old antiques that Old Mrs. He kept in her trunk and used them as gambling money, but he also gambled away most of the second son's family's possessions. Old Mrs. He was the most selfish person imaginable. After the family split up, the things she kept in her trunk were what she relied on most. Now that these things had been stolen by the second son's son, she was furious and declared that she would report the crime and sue them in court, demanding that they compensate her for the items and asking the eldest son's family and the third son's family to join her in accusing them. The second son's family must have been afraid because they locked Old Mrs. He up and prevented her from going out, completely cutting off her contact with the outside world. The second son's son was even more ruthless; he directly silenced Old Mrs. He by poisoning her.。

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