"I'm willing to bet on it. If things go south, I can always sleep under a bridge. And if that doesn't work, I can just find another class. Besides, I actually enjoy playing games, and now that there's this chance, I definitely can't pass it up.",And among humans, countless strong warriors stood against the onslaught of demons. There were mages in noble robes standing mid-air, unleashing various elemental attacks upon the demons below. There were archers with bows and arrows frantically firing into the sky at the airborne demons. There were shield guards holding their shields aloft, forming a line of defense against the onslaught. There were warriors wielding axes, cutting through the throngs of demons. And there were assassins, appearing and disappearing, reaping the fallen demons. Behind the ranks, white-clad figures resembling holy angels constantly healed their comrades.,Your bank card has been bound, and you can now realize cash transactions in the game.。